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- Taste of Real-

As you probably heard, honeybees are in the decline around the country. Bees have many manmade problems that are effecting them, loss of forage, pesticides, introducted pests. We will never use pesticides inside or outside of the hive. We also plant pollen  and necter plants every year to add diversity for forage. Our bees are allowed to swarm, the natural reproduction of a hive. We also believe that "proping up" a hive will ultimatly harm bees as a whole, so we try build resistance to the pests by "expansion model beekeeping." Where you out breed the pests. We are trying to help keep the honeybees around to help poulinate our wonderful wildflowers, vegetables, and rewarding us with wonderful honey, wax and propolis. We currently have 4 langstrom hives and one top bar hive. We got our bees from local beekeepers and with their help, we have succesfully overwintered once and are planning to continue throughout the years. We currently have plans to expand our apiary to try and support our pollinators. Along with planting for our bees, our flowers attract other pollinators like butterflies, moths, and bats. We are glad to say, we have seen our first Monarch Butterfly, hopefully the first of many.

Hunker Down Farm

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